
Monitor iframe activity
in Real-Time

Get notified as soon as an iframe from a new source appears on your site so you can respond to changes, fast.

Frame Watch

  • Tracks the source of all iframes appearing on your site
  • Detect new iframes or changes to existing frames
  • Receive email notifications immediately after a change
  • View a full audit of your current/historic iframes

Easy Setup

You don't need a fully operational Content Security Policy to get started with Frame Watch. This makes it quick and easy to get started with monitoring the frames on your site.

View our Frame Watch documentation page to see how you can get started with only a single line of code or config.

Monitor your iframe activity

Your account dashboard provides easy access to all of the information about your past and current iframes.

This includes information on when the iframe was first seen, when it was last seen, and how frequently they are observed on your site.

Related Features

We use Content Security Policy to power many of our features, here are some other features that you may be interested in reading more about.

Script Watch

Real-time alerting to changes in your JavaScript dependencies.

Script Watch
Data Watch

Track changes to where your website is sending data in real-time.

Data Watch
PCI DSS Compliance

Meet your obligations under PCI DSS 4.0 with CSP and our service.

PCI DSS Compliance
Threat Intelligence

Detect 'Indicators of Compromise' to know if your site is breached.

Threat Intelligence